Peace Movement for Socially Conscious Families

We work to create peace-filled homes and communities through peace education, community art, and peace and faith dialogue.

Be a Peace-Maker! Join our peace campaign.

Enjoy all lesson plans and maker kit downloads for FREE!



Download our FREE maker kits, stencil templates, coloring pages, or origami folding instructions.

Make your cranes! Fold origami, color or paint printables, do chalk art with stencils, etc. Be creative!

Display Find a place to display your art where you will see it often to remind you of your commitment to peace.

Share! Take a picture of your cranes and upload them to social media. Spread the word with #letsmakepeace

Follow LMP on Instagram or Facebook for peace art ideas and to engage in peace and faith discussions.


Family activities exploring how to be a peacemaker.

Art Activities

FREE downloads to make peace-art for your home and community.

Free Peace Art Prints

FREE seasonal art print included in every kit.


FREE 15-minute peace devotional and family art-making activity.

Making and spreading symbols of peace has the power to embed the ideal into our collective consciousness and thereby create space for unity and peace to grow.

Where will you spread the message of peace?

History of the Origami Peace Crane

The origami peace crane became a powerful symbol of world peace because of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who developed terminal cancer at age 11 due to radiation exposure from the Hiroshima bombing. While in the hospital, her father related to her the legend of the origami paper crane—those who fold 1,000 paper cranes are granted a wish. Sadako wished to be healed. She began folding paper cranes from whatever scraps of paper she could find. However, in the process of folding, her wish expanded to a desire for peace and healing for the whole world. Sadako died 3 months before turning 13 on October 25, 1955.

The world continues to desperately need peace. The social and political challenges we face can only be solved through active peacemaking efforts. We can help fulfill Sadako's wish for peace.

Let's Make Peace

The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.

--Mahatma Gandhi


Blessed are the Peacemakers Street Art Installation

Top image: Public sculpture entitled Serve and Protect by artist Gregory Ragland located in front of the Salt Lake City public safety building covered with red paint during Black Lives Matter demonstrations

Bottom image: Public art installation of 1,000 origami cranes entitled Blessed Are the Peacemakers, October 25, 2020

Learn the story behind this installation by visiting About Us in the dropdown Menu at the upper right.

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9

Follow us on social media @letsmakepeaceproject or @letsmakepeace_intl